Thursday, June 20, 2013

water and parkinsons

Environmental factors

U.S. Army helicopter sprayingAgent Orange over Vietnamese agricultural land during the Vietnam war.
A number of environmental factors have been associated with an increased risk of Parkinson's including: pesticide exposure, head injuries, and living in the country or farming.[26][27] Rural environments and the drinking of well water may be risks as they are an indirect measures of exposure to pesticides.[28][29]
Implicated agents include insecticides, primarily chlorpyrifos and organochlorines[30] and pesticides, such as rotenone or paraquat, and herbicides, such as Agent Orange.[28][29][31] Heavy metalsexposure has been proposed to be a risk factor, through possible accumulation in the substantia nigra; however, studies on the issue have been inconclusive.[28]


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